Monday, May 17, 2010

applying travel lessons to home life

I love the concept that we can take the lessons we live on the road and apply them to our home life. I want to travel with the boys so they can see the world and learn hands on about other cultures and other ways of doing things. But, I also want them to learn the lessons in this article. And a way to imprint it into ourselves is to live it.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

adjusting plans already!

I knew we'd be tweaking plans as we went. And here is my first update on the tweaking!

We're still focused on paying down debt. We had a huge garage sale when my Mom was here and did quit a bit towards selling stuff and downsizing the house benefited us in the having less to store/move category, as well as the finances.

It has come to Brent's attention that he probably will not get overtime next year....he's too high up on the food chain! That means we will really have to work on alternate income!

For that my focus has been on coming up with a way to have a family business that is not location dependent. One idea that has appealed to both Brent and I (not an easy feat we've come to realize!) is to have an organizing business. I can go in and help people and Brent can do two things, one is building custom solutions, shelves, cabinets and the like. The other part is on larger projects, such as hoarders, his scheduling experience would be very valuable.

We would do this while traveling the country, stopping for a bit here and there to work.

We don't know if that will pan out, but it is where part of our focus is currently. And here comes that phrase: We'll just have to see.

Another tweak that is currently percolating is a possible move west. Brent flew to ID in April to interview at INL (Idaho National Laboratory). He left feeling confident that he would be getting an offer. He's just not sure the offer is going to be enough to move us and our gang cross country. I'm not sure there is an offer that could make moving 6 cats, 5 kids, 2 dogs, 2 horses, and one snake cross country worth it..... We'll keep you posted.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Silence IS golden

I have discovered that my children can not be quiet. OK, really I've known that for a long time. But seriously I've only lately come to realize that they can not be quiet if their lives depended on it. Jayden would be so dead if he had to be quiet to save his life.

He can't even do it for a few seconds. Sure he can stop talking. But then the toe starts tapping, or the finger starts clicking the pen he's holding. Or he starts to hum. And then after a few seconds, he forgets he's not supposed to talk, and talks again! And then he's tapping the book on his lap, banging his head softly on the you get the picture. The child cannot handle being quiet, nor can he handle silence around him!

And his brothers have a hard time when it's quiet it too. They have a little better handle on being quiet themselves, but they want constant noise around them. I'm sure it's partly due to the fact that five boys create a lot of noise and so that's what they are used to. But I think it's also a symptom of our society's obsession with being entertained all the time.

So I've practiced with them in the car a few times. It's not very pretty to start with. They are very resistant to practicing it. But once I get them going and in the groove, they do handle it. Now to practice enough that they can handle it for more than ten minutes!

I had planned on practicing with them in the car today, however it turned out that it was much better to either listen to a cd, or on the way home, we played the name game.

Where you name a famous person and then the next person has to come up with a name where the person's first name starts with the same letter as the previous famous person's last name begins with. Confused?

So if the first person said George Washington, then the next person has to come up with some one whose first name starts with W, such as Willie Nelsen. The rules vary according to the group you play with. Mostly you can't reuse a name, they have to be real people and most of the car has to agree that the name is legit. And if you are really stumped others can give you hints if they want. If you can't come up with a name you're out for the rest of that game.

We were hard core growing up, but there was just us two kids and usually Mom. Not much fighting going to happen there. Far fewer people to get restless if you took awhile to come up with a name. Our group today was two adults and six kids tired out from a day at the museum. So we were pretty flexible, after all we allowed fictitious names! Mickie Mouse comes to mind, followed by Minnie Mouse, and I know we got a Donald Duck in there too.... And lots and lots of hints....did I mention lots of hints.

So while I had good intentions, it turned out that flexibility was the name of the game and we played a word game instead. It kept their minds occupied and we had far less crankiness after we started the game.

Monday, May 10, 2010


I'm trying to think about how we can simplify, simplify and then simplify some more when it comes to traveling. Not an easy feat when traveling with five other active human beings!

I am looking at our local trips as practice trips and fine tuning at every turn. We're headed out tomorrow on a day trip to see the Dead Sea Scrolls about 2 hrs away. There will be two adults and six kids in a suburban.

What to take, what not to take.....what works, what doesn't.

One area that needs some work is the tote bags the kids bring. It's great that they are in the habit of bringing them, but they are also in the habit of stuffing those bags as full as they can. Then those bags EXPLODE all over our vehicle.

And getting a cranky 6 yr old to pick up a bag full of stuff spread over a suburban is no easy task. In fact I usually opt to pass on trying to get him to do it when we get home. But then inevitably some other family member ends up picking up the stuff, and if I'm lucky, it happens within 24 hrs of the explosion. Otherwise we have Max stuff kicking around the car for weeks on end.

On the Michigan trip I was very strict and the bags were only allowed two or three items. Then I was even stricter with Max, an older brother got to have the bag and he was only allowed one item at a time out. Boy what a difference that made!

I think we'll be trying that again tomorrow.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

and then....

I went on a trip. We left April 2nd. No I did not just get back! It was a week long's just been happening.

So let me tell you about the trip. Well ok. I'm mostly going to talk about the parts of the trip that relate to traveling......if I can stay focused and concise. Otherwise you're going to get more than that.

The boys and I went to visit Brent's brother, wife and four kids in Michigan. It's about 8-9 hrs, depending on traffic and such. So a nice warm up trip for the year, before we hit the road to visit UT and OR. We can see how we do on the road without Brent. See what works and what doesn't this year. Because it couldn't be so easy that what worked last year, will work this year.....

Plus there's all these new and fancy toys out since we traveled sans Brent almost six years ago... For those who don't know. Six years ago this July I took myself and the five boys, ages 8, 7, 5, 2, and 6 mths on a three month road trip. I had a friend's 14 yr old daughter with us the first two weeks and my Mother or Brent with us at other times. But the boys and I did the whole trip to the west coast and back, in a car, camping most of the time we were on the road. We came back in Sep. It was quite the trip. Even as young as they were, they remember it and the stuff we did and actually remember it fondly!

So this trip I debated over GPS's, portable DVD players, mp3 players, books on cd/tape, window markers, power converters, snacks, meals and what and how to pack.

The end result was no GPS this time around....maybe the next, but I haven't felt I needed to spend the money on it yet. Love them, use them when I get to, in other friend's cars or rental cars. But not convinced I need one myself at this moment.

No DVD players, we've had several and they get beat up and/or ruined. Not everybody can hear/see them, even with double screens, so there can be a lot of whining and complaining involved. And we seem to have a great time traveling without them. So, again, no need to spend the money.

I checked out three books on cd from the library. They are a trilogy by Gerald Lund, The Kingdom and the Crown. What I didn't check before I got them was their length. After all three books should be plenty long. Ummm yeah, one book is over 20 hrs!! So it was plenty of material to listen to. We actually did not even finish the first book on this trip. Even though we put in several hours driving while visiting too. But this was great, no money spent!

I had the boys pack their mp3 players from two Christmases ago, at least the boys who could find theirs! These have movies loaded on them, and so they did provide some entertainment for Max, when we were all at our wits end with him. We're talking desperate on all sides though....the screen is like an inch by an inch! He also fell asleep listening to the music from these.

I opted to just use the current window markers and not add to the ones we had. Again, no money spent. This can cause a bit of whining too, as there are only 8 markers and only one of each color, but for the most part the boys do well sharing them.

I did spring for a power converter for the kid's laptop (our old laptop), because Collin is in a mad writing phase and I wanted him to keep that up. We won't mention that he also played games on it as did the other boys.... The converter can be used to run anything on AC power. Very nice. We can charge the mp3 players with it and the boy's phones, which only have AC chargers, no car chargers. I have used it with my own laptop also. We had a different one that we ran into the ground over the last three years, as we used it a LOT. So I felt it was worth the money at this point.

For the trip over I packed enough food for snacks and such, that we only stopped for lunch and that was planned as part of one of our breaks. And I was able to stick to our no sugar plan and packed dried fruit, nuts, fresh fruit and such. It worked well. I do like to plan on eating on meal at a restaurant (fast or otherwise) it's a nice break for me and the boys and gives us time to stretch and really take some time out of the car. The trip back wasn't quite so good, as we'd had Easter candy and such, so we ended up with junk food for snacks. But baby steps are good, we'll take them.

So that leaves clothes and this is the part I was most happy with on this trip! I asked the boys to each share a backpack. Their current backpacks have two huge main pockets and I asked them to each use one pocket. Plus the misc. small pockets on the sides and fronts of the pack. They all agreed to give it a try. I was pleasantly surprised at how willing they were. I shared with Max, Than and Lee shared as did Collin and Jayden.

This meant that we had three packs of clothes, instead of 6. I had them pack three changes of clothes and underwear/socks and one pair of PJs. Then we had one back pack for all our bathroom stuff. The older boys have almost as much as I do now! Than has contacts and uses two or three different skin care products, as does Collin. Plus we are using an electric toothbrush with different heads for us all. I have left that home for other shorter trips and just used an old fashioned toothbrush. But this trip was for a week and I really like my electric brush and miss it when I don't have it. So I opted to add it in. We also had some misc. items in this bag.

This meant we had a total of five packs for 6 of us. Instead of 7. It was a breeze packing and unpacking stuff from the car. It would have been even easier if it hadn't been Easter the weekend we were visiting and I took all their baskets and stuff for the baskets. We also did catch an unusual break in that it was General Conference weekend for our church and we could watch it from the house in our PJs. So we didn't need an additional bag for church clothes. Next time we won't be in that position, probably.

It was so freeing to realize how little we really needed. We did great. I did end up purchasing polo shirts at a great sale on them. I wanted matching shirts for us at the zoo and museums we were going to. And that worked well too.

I think next time we'll try for even two or even one change of clothes. They are older and more adaptable now, I think we could swing it. It does mean laundry on an almost daily basis, but I do that anyway at home, on the road isn't bad, as long as there are facilities. So far when we've stayed at homes, everyone has always made their washer/dryers available and on the big trip I did use campground laundry facilities. So I know it can be done!

I really enjoyed having this warm up trip and am looking forward to being on the road again in July/August!

Monday, March 29, 2010

resource: Home School Aross America

A site about a girl and her Mom who spent six weeks "travelschooling" across the US. She has a list of all the places she stayed and why they choose that place and what they thought of it. Be sure to click on the link for the tap dancing across America, it's cute.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

resource: Families on the Road

This was passed on to me by a friend, who happened to come across the "Four Hour Work Week" right around the same time as I did. She forwarded this site on to me. It has links to blogs of families who guessed it! On the road.

It's not fancy but it has some good inspiration.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

resource: Extended World Travel

Another resource that fell into my hands is a website by a family who travels extensively. It was after we had laid out our goals and plans and everybody was on board with them, well as on board as the younger bunch is going to be for the moment.

I had an odd morning and just felt out of sync for that day. It was our usual day of library, lunch, pick up two other archers, do archery, return the archers to their home, run errands, return to our home.

While at the library, I learned that the two archers would not be attending archery that day and so I had some extra time. I sat down with a homeschooling magazine that I love, but rarely take the time to read, due to riding herd on Max or getting my own books. I had enough books to read that day and Max was doing great.

I flipped to an article and it happened to be on traveling! I had just enough time to read it and write down the website and then the boys were all ready to go, right then! They were done and ready to move on! I feel like the out of sync feeling was to help me be aware of the moment and see what was right in front of me!

I think I looked it up on my BB, I didn't even wait to get home! It was complete synchronicity. I love the tips, the ideas, the reassurances and most of all that some one else out there has already done it and we can too!

Here is the website:

Friday, March 26, 2010

resource: Four Hour Work Week

You may or may not know that I love to travel. I traveled several times a year when we had only two boys. Then I cut back and didn't travel for several years as I had numbers 3, 4, and 5. Then when they were ages 8yrs, 6yrs, 4yrs, 2yrs, and 6 mths I did a three month trip to the west coast via UT and back.

Then we bought the property and lived through the past four years......

Now once again we are traveling a bit more. Last year we made it to UT for the first time in four years. This year we're headed to the west coast again, via UT again. But only for two weeks or so. We also are heading to Michigan to visit Brent's brother and his family for a week. We have also traveled to the west side of the state many times since Courtney came back to WI!

Last fall I realized that if our plan to travel the US was going to happen, we needed to get on it! Than wasn't getting any younger! We have about 4 1/2 years left with him, then he's off on his mission and then who knows where! So I began plotting and planning!

Several resources have fallen into my hands, literally. One is a book called: Four Hour Work Week. I had dropped the older boys off at Scouts and had an hour or more to kill. I ended up at the library and by sheer chance, pulled this book off the shelf. I don't completely remember what I was looking for, maybe something to do with business starting, maybe something to do with's just not coming back to me.

The book has some great practical info on traveling, but it's mostly focused on freeing you up to live the life you want to. It has some real eye openers and some real challenges, but we're so happy with the things we've implemented, or tried to implement!

Tim Ferris is the author and he talks about spending less time on email and on the phone and gives hands on strategies on how to do that. He also talks about applying the 80/20 rule to your life, across the board. I love it and the results that I've gotten.

So here is the website:

Thursday, March 25, 2010

An Adventure!!

So it has come to my attention that I haven't really said much to some of you about our plans for our next adventure. So here it is. I'm going to lay it all out for you. As you probably have guessed from the title, our next adventure does involve traveling.

Now, I want to start this with a caveat. If at any time we find that this is not what we should be focused on, or that really it's not a workable scenario, we will alter course. This is not a "come hell or high water" plan......really. But we ARE going to work our butts off to make it happen until it DOES happen, or we get redirected by life or by Heavenly Father.

So here are our goals/plans/focus for the next four years:


No surprise here for most of you, we want to be out of consumer debt by the end of this year for sure and we're aiming for this summer. How are we going to do that.......I have NO idea. It will take lots of blood, sweat and tears and some divine intervention. But one thing I do know is that if we work hard and focus on it, it will happen.

We are putting our 40 acres up for sale. Now it may or may not sell, but it will get listed this spring and we'll see what will happen. The money from the monthly payments on it could help significantly pay down debt!

The reward for hitting this goal is a Disney Cruise for the kids.....well ok, I 'm not kidding anyone here, for Brent and I too!!

So far since Jan. of 2007 we have paid off over $45,000 in debt and have aprox. $ 31,0000 to go. We really only got intense about it this year, so there is lots that can happen to pay it off still.

All through the next few years we will also be focusing on a way to generate income that does not tie us to one location or to an employer. Again I have NO idea how this will happen, but I know that if we focus and work hard, it will happen.....

The reward for hitting that goal is that Brent will join us full time!


Brent will work two, 60 day "outages" at work. For those who are unfamiliar with an outage, the majority of the plant works 12 hr days for six days a week and they get paid over time to do it. Because he went to salary last year, these are the only times he has a chance to earn extra at work right now. So these two will help tremendously. Right now the plan is that they will not work the entire 60 days at six days a week. They will work a few weeks, stop for a few weeks and then finish up the last few weeks at six days a week. We'll see, I'm not holding my breath.

Either way, it'll be nice for the bank account! That money will go towards our traveling funds.


Spring of 2012 we will embark on a two year trip around the world. We will spend one year traveling the US, spending time learning about our great country, past and present. We for sure plan to spend several months on the eastern seaboard learning about the roots of America.

We also know that we will travel the south in the winter and the north in the summer! I only want to see snow if I'm doing something fun on it, like skiing! We also will camp quite a bit of the year to keep costs down and camping in the north in the winter isn't something I'm ready to tackle!


We hope to head to Europe. Brent has family in Switzerland that we would like to visit and we'll see where we go from there. We will most likely end up at various archaeological sites for Collin to see and maybe participate in. He's really strongly focused on that for a career, so we'll see where that takes us. Brent and I would also like to see Australia and New Zealand.


No we do not have any idea how we will travel, rv, bus, burb, car, train, bike, boat? Probably all of the above at some point!

We don't have a time line. We'll go and if it doesn't work, we'll come back.

Flexibility is the name of the game!

We are not planning on selling our farm house at the moment. Our younger boys are having a hard time looking forward to the trip and they really are unhappy with the thought of not having a "home" to come back to. So we are willing to bend on this to get their happy cooperation.

We'll see where we are in two years. But one solution is to find someone to live here and to take care of the various animals. We'll just have to see.

"We'll just have to see". Is probably the answer to any question you can think of at this point in regards to our traveling. A lot can happen in two years and "we'll just have to see," where we are when we get there.

Our two horses are currently 25, which is hitting senior citizenship for a horse, so they could be gone in two years. On the other hand they could live another ten years......who knows. Our two dogs will be hitting middle age in two years, not sure what will happen there. We have four cats and two snakes, they could be tricky to rehome. (not to mention Mom's two cats that also call this house home). The chickens and rabbits are probably the easiest to rehome or eat.....I'm just saying......

So for this blog, I'm hoping to keep people posted on our progress and plans. And to post resources that I've found and will find. And then of course in two years to blog about our travels!

For now "Happy Trails!"